Valine Pricing Report 2024: Price Trend, Chart, Market Analysis, News, Demand, Historical and Forecast Data

Valine Pricing Report 2024: Price Trend, Chart, Market Analysis, News, Demand, Historical and Forecast Data

Report Format: PDF+Excel | Report ID: SR112024A22667
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Valine Prices December 2023

Category Region Price
Valine Specialty Chemical USA 2645 USD/MT (L-Valine Feed Grade) 4095/MT (Food Grade)
Valine Specialty Chemical Germany 2715 USD/MT (L-Valine Feed Grade) 4165 USD/MT (Food Grade)

In the current economic circumstances in the United States with substantial inflation levels in other countries across the world, dealers and suppliers have not shown a willingness to restock their shelves as existing inventories are more than enough. This cost cautiousness arises from the need to consume what already exists before putting more. As a result, US prices for L-Valine Feed Grade reached USD 2645/MT and food-grade variants are priced at USD 4095/MT. These price disparities which are driven by market forces touching on the economic uncertainties as well as inflationary pressures affect both the suppliers and the consumers in the market. The erratic economy of the US, coupled by the global inflation, the buyers and sellers have become prudent which include inventories that are in excess. Consequently, the L-Valine Feed Grade and food-grade prices illustrate the reality that the market is less active due to the cautious perception and these prices change to meet demand and supply demand balance amid global economic uncertainties.

As at the end of this third quarter for 2023, the price for feed grade variants of L-valine in CFR Germany is still USD 2715/MT, whereas food-grade L-valine variations are open for USD 4165/MT. The fluctuations that exist here demonstrate the complexity of multiple factors that can influence the Valine market. Such factors are related to economic unrest, supply chain disruptions together with the variety of shifting preferences on both the sides of the suppliers and purchasers.

Valine Price Trend, Market Analysis, and News

IMARC’s newly published report, titled “Valine Pricing Report 2024: Price Trend, Chart, Market Analysis, News, Demand, Historical and Forecast Data,” offers an in-depth analysis of valine pricing, covering an analysis of global and regional market trends and the critical factors driving these price movements.

It encompasses an in-depth review of spot price of valine at major ports, a breakdown of prices including Ex Works, FOB, and CIF, alongside a region-wise dissection of valine price trend across North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa.

The report examines the elements influencing valine price fluctuations, such as changes in raw material costs, supply-demand dynamics, geopolitical factors, and industry-specific developments. Additionally, it integrates the latest market news, providing stakeholders with up-to-date information on market shifts, regulatory changes, and technological advancements, thereby offering a comprehensive overview that aids in strategic decision-making and forecasting.

Valine Price Trend

Valine Market Analysis

The global valine market size reached US$ 308.5 Million in 2023. By 2032, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 380.8 Million, at a projected CAGR of 2.40% during 2023-2032.

  • The global valine market is rapidly growing due to the revolution in the aspect of consumer health and lifestyle, whereby health-conscious customers prefer preventive health and organic diet supplements. As per the reports of the National Center for Health Statistics, Americans are now consuming dietary supplements at significantly higher rates, with numbers accounting for 77% of the population consuming supplements regularly in 2023 compared to 64% in 2016. It is currently fueled by an increasing demand for natural remedies among fitness and longevity-seeking consumers. Valine, due to its involvement in the process of recovery, muscle metabolism and as a whole well-being becomes a desired component in tablets and special functional foods. With more and more consumers demanding health-driven products, valine's presence in health contained products confirms its market position alongside shifting consumers' preferences.
  • The dairy industry is expanding due to the exponential increase in the meat industry across the world. According to USDA estimates, global meat production will increase considerably and reach a total of 376 million tons by 2024. This has been mostly noted in the developing countries like the USA and China where the groups with increased buying power and adapting food diversity tend to do high consumption of meat. Therefore, the valine demand hiked in years to come because it is one of the basic amino acids in the livestock diet and it carries out most functions in the promotion of animal growth and body muscle development. As such, the requirement for valine will grow faster than the meat industry expands to create and support a simple sustainable market model.
  • There is growth of the valine market due to the ongoing biotech innovations that create efficiency and lead to massive production scale-up. For instance, government programs, supported by either the EU or Horizon Europe with its Horizon Europe budget of €95.5 billion, advance biotechnology research and development. Such innovations can unleash a revolution in the area of valine manufacturing by technological means including genetically engineered microorganisms and the most modern fermentation techniques.

Valine News

The report covers the latest developments, updates, and trends impacting the global valine market, providing stakeholders with timely and relevant information. This segment covers a wide array of news items, including the inauguration of new production facilities, advancements in valine production technologies, strategic market expansions by key industry players, and significant mergers and acquisitions that impact the valine price trend.

Latest developments in the valine industry:

  • In September 2022, as published in Bioresource Technology, there has been high-level production of L-valine in Escherichia coli using multi-modular engineering. Initially, a chassis strain was generated by mutagenesis and high-throughput screening. The L-valine biosynthetic pathway and transport module were modified to improve the L-valine titer.

Product Description

Valine is one of the twenty amino acids that comprise the core of protein molecules. It is an essential amino acid, hence it cannot be synthesized by the body and must be gotten from the diet. It holds domain in many physiological functions, most importantly in protein synthesis and muscle metabolism. Valine is one of the amino acid molecules from the group of the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) including leucine and isoleucine. They make of about one-third of all amino acids in muscle tissue.

Besides its core function, which is protein synthesis, valine is absolutely involved in processes of energy production and tissue repair. This serves as a source of energy for prolonged exercise time and when significant metabolic stress is present, gluconeogenesis is utilized in the liver by means of converting it to glucose. Moreover, valine is a necessary amino acid for keeping nitrogen balance maintained and for supporting the proper immune functionality.

In terms of valine, meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, nuts, seeds, and legumes are dietary sources that are rich in this amino acid. Supplementation with valine is also popular for athletes as well as individuals aiming for muscle mass increase, recovery, and overall athletic performance.

Regional Coverage

The report provides a detailed analysis of the valine market across different regions, each with unique pricing dynamics influenced by localized market conditions, supply chain intricacies, and geopolitical factors. This includes price trends, price forecast and supply and demand trends for each region, along with spot prices by major ports. The report also provides coverage of ex-works, FOB, and CIF prices, as well as the key factors influencing the valine price trend. 

Global Valine Price

The report offers a holistic view of the global valine pricing trends in the form of valine price charts, reflecting the worldwide interplay of supply-demand balances, international trade policies, and overarching economic factors that shape the market on a macro level. This comprehensive analysis not only highlights current price of valine but also provides insights into historical price trends, enabling stakeholders to understand past fluctuations and their underlying causes.

The report also delves into price forecast models, projecting future price movements based on a variety of indicators such as expected changes in supply chain dynamics, anticipated policy shifts, and emerging market trends. By examining these factors, the report equips industry participants with the necessary tools to make informed strategic decisions, manage risks, and capitalize on market opportunities. Furthermore, it includes a detailed valine demand analysis, breaking down regional variations and identifying key drivers specific to each geographic market, thus offering a nuanced understanding of the global pricing landscape.

Europe Valine Price

In the last quarter of 2023, the European market for the valine product was dominated by indicators similar to those influencing the regions of Asia-Pacific, which is a major Amino acid supplier. Various factors, which co-evolved, determined the market conditions and the pricing dynamics of the commodity markets in this era. The plunge was sharp with demand from the feed sector undergoing a major fall from October. Producing corn ethanol in this period was associated with several factors causing economic slowdown, shifts to life stock feed composition, and seasonal variations which led to a decrease in demand. Moreover, trading down was the primary cause of the delicate balance, leading to an overproduction of Valine in the region, which drops the price-setting scale. The greater usage of valine and its incorporation into various pharmaceutical applications such as drug formulations, parenteral nutrition solutions, and nutritional supplements were the original reasons of the increasing consumption of this amino acid.

This analysis can be extended to include detailed valine price information for a comprehensive list of countries.

Region Countries Covered
Europe Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, Turkey, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Belgium, Austria, Ireland, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Romania, Finland, Czech Republic, Portugal, and Greece, among other European countries.

North America Valine Price

In North America, the valine market showed a mixed trend in prices for the first half of October for both grades but took a downturn thereafter at the beginning of November and went persistently down until the last two weeks of December 2023. To start with feed grade prices dropped significantly because the demand for feed sector was low. Regardless, as the food industry is in a continuous state of weakening, October's food-grade prices are still increasing. Due to diminishing demand distributors and suppliers do not bother to restock, the stocks remain inflated and should be sold before they start expiration. However, marketing investigations on food grade are persistently on the rise, and this leads to offers from the exporting regions which increases with every chance. Sharing my side of this, the overall market was light and contained the inquiries for both grades at nearly zero levels while the food industry order for consumption went up steadily.

Specific valine historical data within the United States and Canada can also be provided.

Region Countries Covered
North America United States and Canada

Middle East and Africa Valine Price

The report explores the valine pricing trends in the Middle East and Africa, considering factors like regional industrial growth, the availability of natural resources, and geopolitical tensions that uniquely influence market prices.

In addition to region-wise data, information on valine prices for countries can also be provided.

Region Countries Covered
Middle East & Africa Saudi Arabia, UAE, Israel, Iran, South Africa, Nigeria, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq, Egypt, Algeria, and Morocco, among other Middle Eastern and African countries.

Asia Pacific Valine Price

In the last quarter of 2023, particularly in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, there were different factors operating on Valine price to submerge into a multifaceted market trend. In the beginning, nothing much changed in feed-grade valine's global supply situation since the inquiring customers were absorbed with ease by the influential availability of this product in markets. Similarly, the trend of merchants readjusting the prices, back into the normal levels after they were highly inflated in the preceding months, were one of the main influencers observed of the decrease in price. This adjustment made the trend of feed-grade valine market to be negative in the month of October, and it simply went down. However, within the food industry, a steadily growing popularity of amino acids supplements, particularly the ones which boost athletic performance and are responsible for muscle growth accelerating phenomenon, has been observed leading to an increasing demand for valine supplements.

This valine price analysis can be expanded to include a comprehensive list of countries within the region.

Region Countries Covered
Asia Pacific China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Hongkong, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand, among other Asian countries.

Latin America Valine Price

The analysis of valine prices in Latin America provides a detailed overview, reflecting the unique market dynamics in the region influenced by economic policies, industrial growth, and trade frameworks.

This comprehensive review can be extended to include specific countries within the region.

Region Countries Covered
Latin America Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru, among other Latin American countries.

Report Coverage

Key Attributes Details
Product Name Valine
Report Features Exploration of Historical Trends and Market Outlook, Industry Demand, Industry Supply, Gap Analysis, Challenges, Valine Price Analysis, and Segment-Wise Assessment.
Currency/Units US$ (Data can also be provided in local currency) or Metric Tons
Region/Countries Covered The current coverage includes analysis at the global and regional levels only. 
Based on your requirements, we can also customize the report and provide specific information for the following countries: 
Asia Pacific: China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Hongkong, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand*
Europe: Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, Turkey, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Belgium, Austria, Ireland, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Romania, Finland, Czech Republic, Portugal and Greece* 
North America: United States and Canada

Latin America: Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru*

Middle East & Africa: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Israel, Iran, South Africa, Nigeria, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq, Egypt, Algeria, and Morocco*

*The list of countries presented is not exhaustive. Information on additional countries can be provided if required by the client.
Information Covered for Key Suppliers
  • Company Overview
  • Business Description
  • Product Portfolio
  • Recent Trends and Developments
Customization Scope The report can be customized as per the requirements of the customer
Report Price and Purchase Option

Plan A: Monthly Updates - Annual Subscription

  • Scope
    • Historical Data for the Current Month
    • Forecast for Next Month
  • Total Deliverables Per Year: 12 (One Per Month)
  • Includes: One PDF and Excel datasheet per month, Post Purchase Analyst Support throughout the year

Plan B: Quarterly Updates - Annual Subscription

  • Scope
    • Historical Data for the Current Quarter
    • Forecast for Next Quarter
  • Total Deliverables Per Year: 4 (One Per Quarter)
  • Includes: One PDF and Excel datasheet per Quarter, Post Purchase Analyst Support throughout the year

Plan C: Biannually Updates - Annual Subscription

  • Scope
    • Historical Data for the Current Half
    • Forecast for the Next Half
  • Total Deliverables Per Year: 2 (One Per 6 Months)
  • Includes: One PDF and Excel datasheet per Half, Post Purchase Analyst Support throughout the year
Post-Sale Analyst Support  360-degree analyst support after report delivery
Delivery Format PDF and Excel through email (We can also provide the editable version of the report in PPT/Word format on special request) 

Key Benefits for Stakeholders:

  • IMARC’s report presents a detailed analysis of valine pricing, covering global and regional trends, spot prices at key ports, and a breakdown of Ex Works, FOB, and CIF prices.
  • The study examines factors affecting valine price trend, including raw material costs, supply-demand shifts, geopolitical impacts, and industry developments, offering insights for informed decision-making.
  • The competitive landscape review equips stakeholders with crucial insights into the latest market news, regulatory changes, and technological advancements, ensuring a well-rounded, strategic overview for forecasting and planning.
  • IMARC offers various subscription options, including monthly, quarterly, and biannual updates, allowing clients to stay informed with the latest market trends, ongoing developments, and comprehensive market insights. The valine price charts ensure our clients remain at the forefront of the industry.

Need more help?

  • Speak to our experienced analysts for insights on the current market scenarios.
  • Include additional segments and countries to customize the report as per your requirement.
  • Gain an unparalleled competitive advantage in your domain by understanding how to utilize the report and positively impacting your operations and revenue.
  • For further assistance, please connect with our analysts.
Valine Pricing Report 2024: Price Trend, Chart, Market Analysis, News, Demand, Historical and Forecast Data
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