In Pugalur – a small village in Tamil Nadu, Swami a 55 year old farmer goes out to withdraw some money from his bank account. He takes out a smart card from his pocket and gives it to a business correspondent – a bank appointed agent who comes to the village with an electronic handheld device connected to the bank. The business correspondent takes Swami’s smart card and inserts it on his hand held device facilitating withdrawal of his money, deposits and other transactions.
Smart cards have not only changed Swami’s life but also the lives of millions of Indians living in remote villages who previously had no access to any kind of financial services. Be it an identity card, credit card, drivers license, health insurance card or a metro pass; smart cards are not only rapidly replacing paper and magnetic stripe cards wherever they are in use but have also started penetrating into sectors that had remained untapped so far.
In technology terms, smart cards resemble similar to “dumb” magnetic stripe cards, but with one major difference: embedded in them is a computer chip, either to process data held on the card, or to act as an access key to data that is held remotely. Smart cards are more secure than simple plastic or magnetic stripe cards and are more versatile, being able to store more data and operate multiple applications.
Till recently, the telecom sector has been the only prominent user of smart cards in the country. The picture is now undergoing a radical change. Driven by a number of public and private initiatives, the use of smart cards is getting more and more diversified. During 2013-2018, we expect smart cards to further percolate into a number of other sectors such as credit/debit cards, financial inclusion, public distribution, healthcare, identity management, transportation, etc. The versatile application of smart cards can be further validated from the fact that the telecom sector, which represented the biggest application sector in 2012, accounted for more than 70% of the total market volumes. In contrast, the National Population Register, which is expected to represent the biggest application segment in 2018, is expected to account for less than 31% of the total market volumes by 2018.
IMARC’s new report entitled “Smart Card Industry in India: SIM, Identity, Banking, Transport, Healthcare, Pay TV, Loyalty & PDS” gives a deep insight into the Indian smart cards market. The research study serves as an analytical as well as a statistical tool to understand not only the market trends, structure, drivers and restraints but also the outlook of the market till 2018. This report aims to serve as an excellent guide for investors, researchers, consultants, marketing strategists, and all those who are planning to foray into the smart card industry India in some form or the other.
What We Have Achieved in this Report
Smart Card Application Segments and Sub-segments Covered in this Report
Focus of the Analysis for Each Segment and Sub-segment
Research Methodology
Information Sources
Information has been gleaned from both primary and secondary sources: