1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction to the High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulb Industry
3. High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulb Industry Analysis
3.1 High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulb Industry: Key Success and Risk Factors
3.2 High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulb Industry: Overall Market Performance
3.3 High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulb Industry: Major Players
4. Processing and Manufacturing of High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulb Products
4.1 High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulb Manufacturing Plant: Introduction
4.2 High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulb Manufacturing Plant: Various Types of Unit Operations Involved
4.3 High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulb Manufacturing Plant: Detailed Process Flow
5. Project Details, Requirements and Costs Involved
5.1 High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulb Manufacturing Plant: Land and Location
5.2 High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulb Manufacturing Plant: Site Development
5.3 High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulb Manufacturing Plant: Layout and Buildings
5.4 High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulb Manufacturing Plant: Plant and Machinery
5.5 High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulb Manufacturing Plant: Raw Materials
5.6 High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulb Manufacturing Plant: Utilities
5.7 High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulb Manufacturing Plant: Manpower
6. High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulb Manufacturing Plant: Loans and Financial Assistance
7. High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulb Manufacturing Plant: Project Economics
7.1 Capital Cost of the Project
7.2 Operating Costs
7.3 Other Costs
7.4 Product Pricing
7.5 Income and Expenditure Projections
7.6 Financial Analysis
8. Appendix