1 Research Methodology
2 Executive Summary
3 Indian Agrochemicals Market
3.1 Current Market Trends
3.2 Market Forecast
4 Fertilizers
4.1 Current Market Trends
4.2 Market Breakup by Segment
4.3 Competitive Landscape
4.4 Market Forecast
5 Pesticides
5.1 Current Market Trends
5.2 Market Breakup by Segment
5.3 Competitive Landscape
5.4 Market Forecast
List of Figures
Figure 3 1: India: Agrochemicals Market: Consumption Volume (in 000 Metric Tons), 2005-06 - 2011-12
Figure 3 2: India: Agrochemicals Market: Consumption Value (in Billion INR), 2005-06 - 2011-12
Figure 3 3: India: Agrochemicals Market: Value & Volume Breakup by Segment (in %), 2011-12
Figure 3 4: India: Agrochemicals Market Forecast: Consumption Volume (in 000 Metric Tons), 2012-13 - 2017-18
Figure 3 5: India: Agrochemicals Market Forecast: Consumption Value (in Billion INR), 2012-13 - 2017-18
Figure 3 6: India: Agrochemicals Market Forecast: Value & Volume Breakup by Segment (in %), 2017
Figure 4 1: India: Fertilizer Market: Consumption Volume (in 000’ Metric Tons), 2005-06 - 2011-12
Figure 4 2: India: Fertilizer Market: Consumption Value (in Billion INR), 2005-06 - 2011-12
Figure 4 3: India: Fertilizer Market: Average Prices (in INR per Metric Ton), 2005-06 - 2011-12
Figure 4 4: India: Fertilizer Market: Consumption Volume Share by Segment (in %), 2005-06 - 2011-12
Figure 4 5: India: Fertilizer Market: Consumption Value Share by Segment (in %), 2005-06 - 2011-12
Figure 4 6: India: Fertilizer Market: Intensity of Fertilizer Consumption by Region (in Kg/Hectare), 1971-72 - 2007-08
Figure 4 7: India: Fertilizer Market: Fertilizer Usage by Various States (Kg/Hectare), TE 2009-10
Figure 4 8: India: Fertilizer Market: Consumption Volume Forecast (in 000’ Metric Tons), 2012-13 - 2017-18
Figure 4 9: India: Fertilizer Market: Consumption Value Forecast (in Billion INR), 2012-13 - 2017-18
Figure 5 1: India: Pesticides Market: Losses Caused by Different Pests (%), 2009-10
Figure 5 2: India: Pesticides Market: Consumption Volume (in 000’ Metric Tons), 2005-06 - 2011-12
Figure 5 3: India: Pesticides Market: Consumption Value (in Billion INR), 2005-06 - 2011-12
Figure 5 4: India: Pesticides Market: Consumption Volume Breakup by Segment (in %), 2005-06 - 2011-12
Figure 5 5: India: Pesticides Market: Crop Wise Pesticides Consumption (in %), 2009-10
Figure 5 6: India: Pesticides Market: Consumption Volume Breakup by State (in %), 2009-10
Figure 5 7: India Vs Other Countries: Average Pesticide Usage (in Kg/Hectare), 2009-10
Figure 5 8: India: Pesticides Market: Consumption Volume Forecast (in 000’ Metric Tons), 2012-13 - 2017-18
Figure 5 9: India: Pesticides Market: Consumption Value Forecast (in Billion INR), 2012-13 - 2017-18
Figure 5 10: India: Pesticides Market Forecast: Consumption Volume Breakup by Segment (in %), 2012-13 - 2017-18
List of Tables
Table 4 1: India: Relation Between Fertilizer Usage & Food Production
Table 4 2: India: Fertilizer Market: Consumption Volume Breakup by Segment (in 000’ Metric Tons), 2005-06 - 2011-12
Table 4 3: India: Fertilizer Market: Consumption Value Breakup by Segment (in Billion INR), 2005-06 - 2011-12
Table 4 4: India: Fertilizer Market: Price by Type of Fertilizer (in INR per Metric Ton), 2005-06 - 2011-12
Table 4 5: India: Fertilizer Market: Installed Production Capacity Breakup by Sector, 2008
Table 4 6: India: Key Fertilizer Companies
Table 5 1: India: Pesticides Market: Consumption Volume Breakup by Segment (in 000’ Metric Tons), 2005-06 - 2011-12
Table 5 2: India: Pesticides Market: Crop Wise Applications of Various Pesticides
Table 5 3: India: Pesticides Market: Consumption Volume Breakup by State (in Metric Tons), 2005-06 - 2009-10
Table 5 4: India: Pesticides Market: Key Companies
Table 5 5: India: Pesticides Market Forecast: Consumption Volume Breakup by Segment (in 000’ Metric Tons), 2012-13 - 2017-18